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Our mission is to help artists create, own, and sell successful Independent Properties. Through craft and story-development videos, starter ZBrush models, and a marketplace for products, our goal is to supply one of a kind sources of inspiration, education and downloadable content.


Develop your craft with instructive ZBrush models, animation meshes, and training videos.





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Follow along to learn the anatomy of the female figure, and form development techniques, as the sculpt is developed from a low res mesh to the final forms.

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This tutorial showcases the creation of a female character. Zack starts with a low resolution box mesh, adds gesture and rhythm, then takes the design to final detailing. The lesson takes place in ZBrush outlining a unique approach to developing surface, reading three dimensional form, and establishing relationships between muscle groups.

  • Explore the rhythms created by the major muscle groups of the body

  • See how the muscle groups impact the silhouette Study the structure of the hands and feet as they are being sculpted in ZBrush

  • Learn sculpting techniques for developing form as you follow along

  • Includes the low res base mesh so you can create your own anatomy study

Lecture time: 1 hour | Concept artists, digital sculptors, animators, and riggers alike, will benefit from this one of a kind study aid.

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Digital Download

Includes two full female figures. Standard and large body types.

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